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How did I get here?

I have risen from my ashes many many times.


From homeless drug addict to successful Creative Director.

From valeting cars to Dog Whisperer.

From Dog Whisperer to People, Goddess, Womb, Whisperer

 ....and Medicine Woman.


My ultimate destination is who I’ve always been. …and was always avoiding.


Stepping into your true self is a journey.

It’s also terrifying to strip yourself of all the comforts of remaining small. Aligning with your highest self and shining bright, can be alienating and triggering.


Some of my earliest memories; working on my abilities with my psychic grandfather and making potions with my witchy mother.

I always had it.


I drowned it in drugs. In self annihilating behaviors.

The more traumas mounted, the deeper I fell into a well of despair. My mother dying began my tailspin. In a few years I was living in my car, addicted to drugs and communing with the lowest vibrational beings that exist.


…And just as easy as it actually is, while being the hardest thing on earth, I changed my course. Arrested on the very night I decided to help myself, I entered court appointed rehab. One of the first great turning points of my life. Within a year I was accepted to FIDM, received merit scholarships and graduated top of my class.


Flash forward, I am working in the industry at the top of my life is beyond comfortable and “rewarding” …and I am unfulfilled.


So I leap again…and I stumble. I am valeting cars, humbled as fuck.

Receiving countless cushy offers to return to the industry, I stick with my inner knowing.

I am a healer.

I have been doing energy work, making potions, serving medicine, empowering and mentoring those I love all along.


But, people I don’t know scare me. So I begin to heal animals. Before I know it, I am sitting on top of an amazing, successful company I have built. …and I am unfulfilled.


But something was happening. ...I was being seen.

For the first time since losing those who saw me so long ago.

I started to answer the gentle nudge to work with people.

All along I had been doing the work, facing my shadows and healing my wounds. I began stepping into myself.

I was being seen without fear.

I was being seen.


I learned more medicines to add to my offerings and held the reverence necessary.
I healed my womb from a lifetime of abuse .. from multiple rapes.. from multiple disrespects .. from multiple pillaging.


I took my time.

I took my power back.

I empowered myself to change course again and again.


I built multiple businesses. I shed old traumas and self limiting beliefs. I love myself with positive affirmations and cultivate confidence.

How could I not share this wisdom too? 


I am here now. I honor my abilities & wisdoms.

I know the significance & importance. ..For myself & others.


I hold a compassionate heart for all, as I too have been there.

  In this life and another.

I have seen all, and love you for all you have been through too.


I have ridden many a dragon in the dark.

I have ridden many a phoenix into the light.


I have been through the depths of hell many times over.

So that I can extend a familiar hand to you.

For it is in shadow and light that we dance.

Death and rebirth that we rise.


We are all magical lights begging to be switched on. 

I am here to guide you to remembrance of your highest self.

To your innate wisdom.

To your power.


For you too are magic.​

Reclaim yourself.

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