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Welcome to Temple Awki

(“auw-key”): nature spirits that reside in and protect mountains, caves, springs, trees, and rocks formations. The soul of a natural place.

I am honored to witness and hold space for souls wishing to transmute whatever limitations they have and manifest their highest timelines and selves. 


This is not a quick fix. 

These are tools along a steady, dedicated and mindful journey.

These medicines hold keys. 

They open pathways for us to express our most radical and true, innermost sacred selves. 

These allies invite us to open and face our divine spectrum. 

They ask for curiosity and surrender. 

And, they require guidance, conscious integration and a dedicated approach. 


I answered a deep calling toward my medicine journey and with dedicated integration, I alchemized myself into a new authentic framework of existence. My experience was profoundly life changing - and, the “space” I landed in was lacking important foundations. 


I am dedicated to responsibly cultivate an experience that is balanced, safe, complete and thoughtful.


My role is to create a secure sacred space for you to engage with yourself in a new way, to move blockages, to manifest, to expand, to gain understanding. I have integrated a lifetime of experiential trauma awareness and almost 2 decades of embodiment experience into my practices.


I curate private and intimate group ceremonies and immersions to meet your unique needs.


My soul's remembrance of this divine responsibility has taken me into the depths of my spirit and humbled me. I take this role of stewardship seriously with deep respect and reverence for all my medicine allies and their traditions.

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