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Welcome to the Womb Temple, Goddess


Are you connected to your womb space?
Do you have a relationship with Her?
Do you give Her attention?
Do you check in with Her? 


We carry a portal of life within us yet a lot of women have little to no relationship with their womb space. No matter the condition of your physical womb; She is an energetic space we all have.

She is your incredibly powerful compass.
She is your intuition.
She is your grace.
She is your connection to the sisterhood.
She is God moving through you. 


These ceremonies are a space to connect deeper to yourself. To find the energetic pulse that radiates from within your feminine body. To release all that no longer serves you so you can rise to meet your highest version of yourself.

I love this work.

Embracing the sisterhood didn’t always come easy to me. 

Honoring the Goddess within. 

Worshiping my portal & yoni. 

These are practices that have liberated me from a prison I didn’t even know I was in.


The safety of being seen and held by the feminine is an infinitely expansive gift. 

Creating a relationship with the feminine self is liberating beyond words.


We are very special creatures, us wombyn.

We have powers to be realized that will one day lay the path for the New Earth. 


And we have a lot of collective trauma & bullshit to release to get there. 


It's time to rewrite the story. 

Let’s start by releasing judgement. 

Over ourselves & each other. 

Let’s commit to lifting ourselves up.


Let’s harness the power of the goddess that runs deep within us all to create an energetic pulse from our collective womb portals, and send shockwaves around the earth.

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